Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Astoria 2 Day Spectacular


What a weekend!  The races for me this week took a backseat to the all out team comradery PV was showing during the weekend.  Highlights of the weekend included:

  • Friday evening get together at the Cannery Cafe for some really good food, and a purple monkey.
  • Stopping by Molly's pad, walking upstairs saying "I think the door is up here" only to walk directly into their living room.
  • Having a horrific race on Saturday, then drinking a lot of beer.
  • Having a great race on Sunday, despite being in full costume.
  • Super long wait for food / drink at Rogue due to how slammed they were. 
  • Britt Millard sacrificing her race to help a fallen racer from Team O, and Team O giving her serious shout-outs for the help.  Class acts all around.
  • Watching the 22oz fridge at Rogue turn into a self service bar.
  • Sal's bread run.
  • Traci's Hash run.. complete with shots of Ouzo.
  • Heidi's bottomless bag of Stone Russian Imperials.
  • Bigwheel ride's with Sal.
  • Couzens getting TOTALLY SCREWED.
  • Two words: "Fishstick Grenade".
  • Kenji's pink foaming giggle juice.
  • Brad Ross actually turning down a free beer I tried to give him at the end of the A race on Sunday.

As Traci and I drove home via route 30, we both had big grins on our faces.  We might not have raced the best races of the season, but I don't think we could have planned a more entertaining weekend.

Barton should be interesting.  :)

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