Daylight hours quietly getting shorter…
Cloudy skies, cool temperatures, an extra blanket on the bed to fight off the morning chill…
The road season winding down, team rides become social endeavors rather then leg ripping suffer-fests…
Anticipation is in the air, an almost palpable feeling in the community. The closeness of the new season can be seen all around; the signs are everywhere if you know where to look.
“I’m not happy with how my body feels after running for the first time in months…”
“Let the debate begin: Tubes or Tubeless”
“Where is that link for home PVC barriers?”
“Jesus, my bike still smells like cow poop!”
Cross season is almost upon us. (Glee!)
Last Wednesday Traci came home after visiting Russell with a gaggle of bikes and not so subtlety told me “Russell said this frame fits best. Since tomorrow is the woman’s CX clinic with Tina, Russell said you should skip your workout and build up this frame for me.” Okay, she didn’t exactly say that, but it was pretty close.
I got home at 5:15, went inside to change my shirt and went back into the garage. Five and a half. hours later this beast was born.
Traci will be sporting a VeloForma Carbon Cross this year. This is the same make of frame I’ve ridden on the for the past two years and while I absolutely loved the ride quality of the bike, the frame geo just didn’t work out for me from a remount perspective. (I’ve got short legs!) VeloForma owner Mark Duff was kind enough to trade me down a frame size in the hopes that I didn’t fit between frame sizes, and unfortunately I did. Traci however, fits on this new frame perfectly.
She went out the next day and properly baptized it in the fields around Alpenrose at the clinic. The smile on her dusty face was worth the effort.
I’m currently sans cross-rig, but I’ve got a few lines on super sekrut weapons of mass distraction. I’ll hopefully have some news about that soon.
Here is some cross pr0n, complements of Pain on the Peak 2008. I still get goose bumps watching this.
Pain On The Peak from Burk Webb on Vimeo.
Now that we got you all excited for cross, Pain on the Peak 2009 is right around the corner. (September 12th to be exact.) Same location, slightly different course, most likely more pain. We’ve got some great prizes and vendors lined up this year. Official announcements will be up on the OBRA list in the coming days as we solidify final sponsors.
Stay tuned. :)